
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Port Neville, BC Mainland (How do you define the perfect day???)

We both slept in until after 8:30am. I suppose this is a function of having no agenda and no tidal worries? Paul went to get the trap but I decided to wait until I saw the outcome to put the pot to boil. It was a banner event! Paul returned with about 6 or 7 crab…all looked worthy. We dumped them on deck and threw the females and small ones back into the bay. We ended up with 4 Dungeness of good size. Pot went to boil and we were back in the appetizer business on Talos IV!

Next we rowed to the marina and found George in the kitchen. He had some cinnamon rolls and pasties just out of the oven. We received 3 for the price of 2 on the buns and bought 2 meat pasties for lunch.

Departing Port Harvey we raised the sails and with a wind on our stern ran wing on wing down Johnstone Strait. Now the wind did not really pick up until we were almost to Port Neville, but we sailed all day, ate fresh baked pasties, hot cinnamon rolls and generally had a great time. Heading into Port Neville we motored up into the bay.

The anchor was set and Talos IV had a warm breeze and sun on her deck. The crew relaxed….furry crew went for the sunbeams while Paul and I ate crab and had a beer. Afterward a warm sun shower and steak dinner topped off the days activities.

Looking at the day we both agreed that it was pretty close to perfect.

Lotta crab!

Great cinnamon buns!

under sail

happy crew

happy crew

heading into warmer weather

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