We decided to make a partial run up Toba Inlet on the advice of Kyle, the owner of the Toba Wildernest Lodge and Marina. The total run up is 20 miles in and 20 out, but our destination was a waterfall that is about 10 miles or so up.
We left the marina at about 9 AM and made a slow motor up the inlet. As with Jervis Inlet and Princess Louisa Inlet that we visited several weeks back, Toba Inlet is surrounded by high snow capped mountains with numerous waterfalls. For those familiar with Yosemite Valley, imagine being on the valley floor, except that you are in a boat and the floor is water. The water depth is about 1,200 feet and the mountain tops are about 6,000 feet. Unlike Yosemite, we were the only boat. There were no other people around for miles. There is no Half Dome or El Capitan, but it is a majestic place none the less.
Our final destination was an awesome waterfall with a huge amount of volume. Janet put me off in the dinghy and then motored around in front of the falls for some amazing photos with Talos IV. She was cautious about getting too close and for good reason, but as you can see from the photos, she got fairly close anyway.
We are now back at Toba Wildernest Marina. After our arrival we took a hike up the trail to an overlook bluff. On the way back down we detoured and payed the waterfall in Kyle's backyard another visit.
Tomorrow we are off to Gorge Bay, which will work us south west to pickup Discovery Passage and the route north to the Broughtons. There is a stop at Campbell River planned for re-provisioning in a few days as well.
One of many waterfalls along the way. |
Janet posing with the waterfall. |
We had charts, but sometimes there were subtle signs that
point us in the right direction. |
Incredible views of the mountains and snow pack. |
More incredible views. |
Janet and waterfall. |
Talos IV. Paul was in the dinghy to get this shot. |
Janet takes a little break on the way back out of the inlet. |
Paul keeping an eye on the helm, more or less. |
Wow, incredible shot with Talos IV and the waterfall. Janet is a gutsy lady!