Ganges was a short hop with motor and no wind. Upon our arrival in the harbor we were met by at least 100+ sailboats positioning for the “Round Salt Spring Regatta”, a race which would start in 2-3 minutes. It was a real cluster. The race is an annual event where sailors have 24 hours to sail around the island, including passage through the notorious and rapid currents of Samson Narrows. Many dropped out early and began to filter back in throughout the day. Winds and currents were just not in their favor.
We found a good spot to drop the anchor in the crowded anchorage and headed into town. What great timing! There was a fantastic farmers market…probably one of the better ones we have been to. We loaded up on artisan cheeses, fresh greens, fresh caught halibut and a decadent dessert. Paul bought me a fleece mini skirt and woolie leggings. It seems this is the look around here for spring. All I know is it was very warm and easy to layer over my long underwear. The live music was also good in Ganges. They had a Bob Dylanfest to celebrate Bob’s 70th birthday. We were able to enjoy the venue for two nights at the historic Treehouse Coffee House by the wharf.
We hated to leave this great little harbor. We are headed to Prevost Island in the morning.
Janet sporting her new fleece mini and woolen leggings |
Janet with an old bouy. |
Bob fest in honor of Dylan's 70th B-day |
Ganges farmers market |
The dinghy dock |
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