Wow! This is really a beautiful place.
We had dropped our anchor in 20 feet of water, but the water was so clear you could look down from the deck of the boat and follow the chain down to the bottom and then out about a hundred feet or so to the anchor. Even though the water was a cool 70 degrees, we would have to go for a swim (I know, once again our friends in Seattle would think that the water was almost hot).
We enjoyed an amazing sunset our first night at the island, one of three for each night we were there. The following morning we were off at the early hour of 7 AM to hike the trail to the top of the ridge overlooking the anchorage. The plan was to do it early before the temps were too hot. Day time highs have been in the high 80's and low 90's. Accompanied by Barbara, Chris and Chris we dinghyed to shore and spent the next four hours hiking and exploring the island. The photos below tell more than my words, but if this is what cruising in the Sea of Cortez is like, then we are in for a real treat when we head even further north in a few weeks.
On day two, we made a dinghy run around the island. Again, the photos below will tell the story.
On our final night, we gathered with friends on sv Zoe for movie night. Even though we had all seen it, "Little Miss Sunshine" was the title choice by popular vote. It was a wonderful evening sitting out on the open deck in warm, dry and windless conditions enjoying some beers and a good movie.
We headed out the following morning for Caleta Partida for a quick one night stop before heading into La Paz. It was a day of mostly sailing up wind, until we finally decided that if we wanted to get there we needed to fire up the motor. So off we went to the little bay nestled between Isla Partida and Isla Epiritu.
We were treated to three days worth of incredible sunsets. |
The hike up the ridge was the toughest. Chris, Chris and Barbara making their way to the top. |
The views from the top were incredible. |
The anchorage. Talos IV is toward the far side in the middle between several other boats. |
Here we are at the top. |
Friends Chris and Chris strike a pose for the camera. |
I don't know what kind of tree this is, but it was worth a picture. |
Agate Beach on the other side of the island. |
I'm not sure why they call it Agate Beach, but it sure got our attention. Lot's of looking only produced a few very small agates. |
We found this turtle shell on the beach. Poor fella. |
And yet another sunset. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing these. |
Paul enjoying the view. |
There's the chain snaking down from the deck and out to the anchor. |
We found several osprey nests on our dinghy ride. |
Chris and Chris made the run around the island with us. |
We stopped at a beach on the far side of the island for a break. |
There were seagull eggs and all kinds of stuff. |
I think what's left of a blow fish. |
It was a full moon while we were there. This isn't our boat, but if you get the idea of what Talos IV would look like under a full moon. |
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