Our short stay at Paradise
Village was rewarded with some good
marine supplies and galley provisions. We departed without experiencing the
Crocodile Slide (it was closed for repair) but still felt the stay was
worthwhile. We returned to the marina at La Cruz for fuel and water prior to
departure north.
The weather looked acceptable when we headed out the next
morning for Chacala. It was a sail/motor experience and we arrived late
afternoon to a strong surge within the anchorage and a fresh on shore breeze.
There were about 8 boats already there so we picked a spot which was a little
more exposed than ideal. Setting a stern anchor took care of the roll issue. We
took the dinghy to shore for breakfast and some espresso the next day. The town
was not as busy as during the Xmas holiday, but there were lots of families
enjoying the beach. We stopped at the espresso bar and learned that the owner
was a good friend of the family that owns “Senor Moose” in Ballard. This is one
of our favorite eateries in Seattle
for Mexican cuisine. It is a small world! We decided to leave for San Blas the
next day.
San Blas was a quick 39
mile run that was unremarkable. We had skipped this stop
south bound because of the reputation of jejeneys and some theft problems in
the anchorage. This time we opted to go into the secure marina as we heard good
things from other friends that stayed there. The marina was very clean and had
24 hour security. The breakwater entrance was shallow but with enough draft to
allow us passage. We decided to stay two nights so we could do the “Jungle Tour”,
tour the fort and see the church that inspired Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to
write the poem, “The Bells of San Blas”.
Town has been going through a reconstruction as the community
is targeted by the government as a major tourist stop. Most of downtown is being
rewired with underground electrical, new painting in traditional colors and re-plastering.
Everywhere you go you see people working. We hiked all over town and up to the
fort and church. There was a lot of damage from hurricane Kenna back in 2002 which
is being repaired at this time. The views from the hill were well worth the
The jungle tour was the high point
of our stay. We asked for a cab from the marina to the estuary. One of the
marina workers jumped into a car which had lights on the top and official
lettering (think black police cruiser with light bar on roof….). He told us to
jump in and he would take us to the tour office. I felt like I had been
arrested. He took the back roads and deposited us at the tour office with
minimal delay. This was a panga tour up the Rio Tovara winding through mangroves,
sugar cane and ending at the head waters at a spring fed pool. Paul and I were
the only ones in our panga. Our skipper’s name
was Pancho. He knew all the hiding places of the wildlife. The water was
incredibly clear, the birds were everywhere and the crocodiles were really
scary! Yes, there are wild American Crocodiles everywhere along this estuary.
It seems funny, but the tour information says to bring your bathing suit. HA!
The end of the estuary is a forked backwater. One side is a crocodile hatchery
where they are working to help restore the species. The other fork has a
swimming hole at the spring head and a small eatery. There is a chain link
fence that keeps the crocs out so you can swim and relax (yeah, right!) Paul
wanted to swim and he said it was wonderful in the mineral rich water. I opted
to watch the fence for any minor movements that might indicate an unwanted
The stay at the marina was great. We had minimal bug
activity and were really glad we stayed for the two nights. Next stop Mazatlan.
From San Blas, the run to Mazatlan
took 24 hours. It was a motor experience which means we had minimal wind and
soft seas. Night passages are always a bummer as you arrive early morning
feeling tired. We are now back at El Cid Marina. We have jumped into the pool,
made plans to have burgers with some friends tonight and spent the day
generally relaxing.
Janet stopped to pose for a picture with some of the locals. |
The old San Blas church was across the street from the central square. |
The remains of an old church at the fort. |
The bells toll no more in San Blas. |
Beautiful downtown San Blas. The population used to be 100k, but is only about 30k now. |
The San Blas fort. |
Paul was pretty amazed about this part of the fort. |
The San Blas community center. |
Our ride for the day. |
There were a lot of birds. |
Old shacks. |
Baby crocodiles. |
Iguanas. |
Turtles. |
Pigs. |
A wild jungle cat. |
Really big crocodiles. |
Crocodile hatchlings. |
And Paul wanted to go swimming. They said there was a fence to keep the crocodiles out. |
All courtesy of Pancho, our tour director for the day. |